Secure Checkout

Secure Checkout

Secure Transaction:

Which forms of payment can I use?

We accept PayPal.

How secure is shopping? Is my data protected?

The secure server software we use SSL (Safe Sockets Layer) encrypts all your sensitive data before it leaves our servers. Your order information, including your name, address, credit card number, and bank account information, is encrypted so that no one but you can decipher it. 3D Secure technology is also used to verify credit card payments.

Can I pay cash upon delivery?

At this time, we are unable to accept any payment methods other than credit cards and PayPal. This is done to protect both our company and our customers.


By providing a secure payment portal and generous return policies, Paypal protects its customers, buyers and consumers. Due to the potential security risks associated with using a credit card, we recommend using PayPal instead.

If you already have a Paypal account, you can easily make the purchase through it.

What if I don’t have a Paypal Account?

You can rest easy knowing that you don’t need a PayPal account to pay; PayPal accepts payments with all major credit cards. There is also no PayPal account required.